Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm missing...

I am one of our beloved Frodo's owner, writing for him. He has not written on his blog in awhile because he's been a busy boy! Going places, being lazy, or just having fun with his owners. It's a very sad time for us here. As I write this, tears stream down my face for his return. Last Wednesday evening, Frodo found a moment to dash out of the garage when the door opened. It was around dinner time, and granted our street is not a busy one, there are still cars that go by more so around that dinner time. We do not know what happened or where he is. This is the hardest part; not knowing.

Last Wednesday evening, it was a little misty outside. It was warm (for our area mid December) and the evening temps were in the 60's with periodic rain through Saturday. This past Sunday a cold front came through and by that evening it was in the 20's with a wind chill that felt like the teens. It has still been below freezing at night. I say all of this hoping he's not outside lost. He is not the type of cat to go away for very long; the longest being a short overnight stay outside (from 10pm to 7am). He's never been one to wander very far either.

Perhaps someone scooped him up and let them in his house. He is a beautiful cat, around 17 pounds, very docile, and has a personality of absolute sweetness. My 14 year old son is devastated (as am I and the rest of the family). Frodo was my sons' best friend; sitting on his desk each day during school (we homeschool), literally cuddling next to his head each night; and even cleaning him! Yes, Frodo would clean my son's head after he took a shower! It was hilarious!

Please pray for his return. We would love some closure, even if it is the news we do not want. Not knowing is the hardest part. Thank you for your kind support and sweet words you have shown towards our beloved Frodo.


Monty Q. Kat said...


Come home, dude! :(

I'm sending good vibes your way, now get inside!

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Please come home, Frodo!!

We're purrin' and purrayin' furry hard for your safe return, and also for your family 'cause they miss you.


We will send rumbly purrs your way in hope that Frodo makes it home for Christmas...


Monica said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about Frodo's wandering from home. I will purr for his safe return.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Please come home, Frodo!! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Frodo...come home. We is purring and purraying fur his safe return, maybe some nice naybor took him in and doesn't know he already has a home.

Everycat said...

Come home Frodo!

Flyers, knocking on doors, out at night with the torch, calling, leaving food - we have been there before. We know it's a horrible time so we send you and Frodo rumbly purrs!

Whicky Wuudler

Victor Tabbycat said...

Oh gosh! Poor Frodo! There are lotsa suggestions on the web for finding lost kitties... One suggestion is to empty your vacuum cleaner outside near your door to help him find the scents of home.
Come home, Frodo!
Purrs and hugs!

Kaz's Cats said...

We're sorry that Frodo is missing - hope some of these suggestions can help you find him. We're purring and purraying and sending positive thoughts to bring him home, and to comfort all of you,


Gypsy & Tasha & Karen (Mum)

Karen Jo said...

This is very sad. I hope that Frodo comes home very soon.

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh NO!! Frodo please come home!! We are all missing you!! COME HOME NOW!!!
Your FL furiends,

Anonymous said...

Oh we are so sad to hear Frodo is not yet back. We have made a special Christmas wish for his safe return.


It is so hard for you that he is away at Christmas time.

Fox's Mom said...

To Frodo's peoples,

We are all purraying for Frodo to be safe as he finds his way home, and that he finds his way furry soon!

Gonzo and Mozart

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for your sweet comments, encouraging words, and prayers. As of today, he still has not returned. We have hung up another half dozen signs near our n'hood; my man has walked miles looking for Frodo and combed the wooded areas near us; and I check our local Craigslist and shelter websites every hour just about... No Frodo - yet...

Max said...

Oh man....I hope Frodo is just having an adventure and comes home soon. He's too pretty to be out there on his own.

Tiger Lily said...

Oh Frodo, please go home!! Your people miss you sooo much and it just cannot be as good outside as it is in your home.


prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

I'm sure you are leaving him food out nightly, the flyers, the shelters, all of that. Hopefully someone did pick him up to get him out of the weather.
You are in our prayers and the kitties are all purring for Frodo to find his way back to you.
ML (Mary Lynn) and KC
The Sherwood Bunch

Anonymous said...

Frodo! Please come home right away! It is time to put an end to this adventure! Everybuddy is missing you!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

We are praying for Frodo's swift return , poor baby xxx

Everycat said...

Frodo! Get your cute little butt back home NOW!

We are still sending big rumbly purrs for your return!

Whicky Wuudler

momsbusy said...

we will add frodo and your family to our purrayer list.


we is revvin up ars purr machines so lots of good vibes will go yur way. hey frodo, tune in and come home!

yuki, kimiko, & kintaro

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Frodo, you're not home yet?? please please please come home

The Island Cats said...

Oh no! We are purraying that Frodo comes home furry soon!

Anonymous said...

I am sure sweet Frodo has been scooped up by some lovely beans and is being kept warm and safe. Never give up hope!

Mr. Hendrix said...

oh no! That stinks so much. We will pray to St Anthony (Patron Saint of lost things) and St. Francis and the Lord to bring your beloved Frodo home.

Make sure to post pictures EVERYWHERE in a 2 mile radius and you can even go door to door. We know someone who did that and one of the people she talked to had seen Izzy in her yard a few times so she set up food and a trap and Izzy was home in 2 days.


We've also heard that putting dirty smelly laundry and the inside of the vacuum bag (because both smell like home) around the yard can help guide them home.

PB 'n J said...

Please oh, please come home Frodo! We'll be purring our hardest for your safe return!

Anonymous said...

We are so hoping dear litle Frodo will be back soon - sending you more of our rumbly purrs and prayers.

Cafe Cats said...

Oh poor Frodo!

Come home, Frodo! Your fambily misses you and is askeert for you!

Purrin' for his safe return.

the Cafe Cats

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

We just learned that Frodo has been missing for 2 weeks. Our purrs of hope for Frodo and his fambly...

Kimo and Sabi said...

Keep yer hope up - remember Jeter Harris was gone for a week before the holidays and it even snowed. He did return safe. We'll keep you and Frodo in our purrrs.

The Lee County Clowder said...

Oh, WOW! We just heard about Frodo.

Come on Frodo, you furry hobbit, get your tail back in the house right now!

About all we can suggest new is to talk to any kids living/playing in the area. Not sure what your neighborhood is like, but if the kids in the area play around in the various yards, it is likely one of them knows where Frodo is.

You might want to consider Find Toto as well. Not free, but we've heard good things about it.

Kaz's Cats said...

We're still purring and purraying and hoping for Frodo to make it back home to you guys again. Please don't give up hope,


Gypsy & Tasha

Max said...

I've still got paws crossed for Frodo...and I'm still hoping he's just having an adventure.

Mr. Hendrix said...

We are just checking for news. We are praying for you all.

Anonymous said...

Stopped by to see if there was any news about Frodo. We're purring for you to come home, Frodo!

Anonymous said...

We now have a large sum reward for our missing beloved Frodo. If someone in our n'hood has him, they aren't giving him up. Our sign can't be missed as I've had it hung in front of the n'hood entrance with 2 large color pictures. It's very sad. 1/17 will mark a month since he has not returned. We are starting to think the worst and can accept it, but it would be so wonderful for us to have some closure. We just want to know what happened. That is the hardest part.

Thank you ALL for your kind words, prayers, and endearing encouragement. We're still not giving up hope... I'll keep you posted.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Just checking in for some news. I'm so sorry that dear Frodo hasn't yet returned. Hope you're all doing ok, and that Frodo turns up SOON!

Black Cat said...

Oh Frodo, no news yet? Why would you run from such a loving home? My heart breaks for your beans. I just hope you are being looked after and are trying to get home. {{{HUGS}}} to your family. xxx

Monty Q. Kat said...

Dude? :(

The Lee County Clowder said...

Just checking in, hoping for some good news.

Max said...

Oh man this is not good is it? I was hoping for some news :(

Kaz's Cats said...

We just dropped by to see if there was any news...Big purrs to Frodo and to you, his beloved family.


Gypsy & Tasha & Karen (Mum)